U n i o n l i n k B a n k



Get upto 4%* on our Savings Account Balances with Unionlink International Credit Bank.

More Details

Dear Customer, We have launched Video KYC facility for New customer to open savings ac

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all your queries about our service.

  • Each time, I want to transact, I get transaction limit exceeded; what could be wrong and how can it be resolved?

    Please confirm what limit is applicable to you from the table above. You may need to give an instruction and execute indemnity at any of our Business Office for higher limits.

  • How secure is the Internet Banking platform and how can I further secure my profile?

    Our Internet Banking is very secure, we have gone to great extent to protect you and your funds when using Internet Banking, you have two level authentication (password + token) available each time you transact on Internet Banking, we have also introduced an Image and Phrase Security feature to guard against phished site. In Addition, there’s the virtual keyboard for use on open networks and public spaces so that key loggers will not capture your details.Internet Banking is protected with the best-in-class security technology. To further protect your profile, do not share your credentials with anyone.

  • I want to know more about what Internet Banking has to offer. How can I go about it?

    Please click the link Internet Banking Quick Guide for more info. If you need further assistance, kindly contact enquiry@unionlinkcredit.com

  • Can I view all my accounts with UICB using one Internet Banking log-in ID?

    Yes, when you enroll for UICB’s Internet Banking Service, Internet Banking, You Can specify which accounts you want access to over the internet and can have access to all of them using one single user ID.

  • How safe/secure is our net banking a/c?

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